
Ecuaduro Tour d'Enduro auto-guidé




<20% de routes goudronnées


Hébergement décontracté et haut de gamme

Restauration à la carte



Vue d'ensemble du tour

  • TDébut et fin du voyage:  Quito, Équateur.  Code de l'aéroportUIO
  • Durée du tour :: 14 jours / 13 nuits
  • Temps requis : 15-16 jours de vacances.
  • Jours de conduite: 13
  • Jours de repos : 1
  • Revêtement de la route:  80% non goudronné | 20% goudronné
  • Hébergement : Hôtels et lodges 3-4 étoiles
  • Petits déjeuners : 13
  • Dîners : 9
  • Distance totale : environ 2 212 km / 1 375 miles
  • Dénivelé total : 33,651 mètres / 110,403 pieds
  • Altitude la plus élevée : 4108 mètres / 13,477 pieds
  • Altitude la plus basse : -2 mètres / -6 pieds
  • Assistance et suivi :  Assistance téléphonique 24 heures sur 24, suivi en back-office.
  • Matériel fourni :  GPS programmé, feuilles de route quotidiennes, briefing avant la sortie.
    Voir l'onglet "Ce qui est inclus" ci-dessous dans la section des prix pour plus de détails.

Ce tour auto-guidé de 14 jours en moto d'enduro ou en 4x4 est conçu pour ceux qui ont le sens de l'aventure et qui disposent du temps et de l'énergie nécessaires pour vivre une aventure extraordinaire à travers les régions andines et pacifiques de l'Équateur.  

L'itinéraire vous fera découvrir une grande variété de climats, de cultures et d'altitudes.  Vous visiterez les magnifiques forêts de nuages sur le versant occidental des Andes, vous vous baignerez dans des sources chaudes volcaniques uniques, vous marchanderez sur les marchés indigènes d'Otavalo, vous savourerez du café fraîchement cultivé par certains des meilleurs producteurs du monde, vous vous baignerez dans des cascades cristallines, vous surferez sur la côte Pacifique et vous vous délecterez des panoramas exceptionnels tout au long du parcours.

Chaque nuit, vous serez logés dans des hôtels exclusifs, des haciendas et des lodges en pleine nature soigneusement sélectionnés, aussi divers que les terrains que vous traverserez. L'hospitalité de chaque lieu a son caractère régional particulier, qui se manifeste dans chaque geste.

Motorcycle / 4x4Single Occupancy

This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Hero Xpulse200*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda XRE 300*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki DR650*

Suzuki DR650 tooltip

LOW SEAT: 33.2 inches

REGULAR: 34.8 inches


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki DR650 LOW*

Suzuki DR650 tooltip

LOW SEAT: 33.2 inches

REGULAR: 34.8 inches


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda XR650L*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


SWM RS650R tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Aprilia Tuareg 660

Aprilia Tuareg 660 Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Yamaha Tenere 700


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Husqvarna 701 Enduro*

husqvarna 701 tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


bmw f750gs tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


BMW F800GS tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 800 XC

Triumph TIger 800xcx tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 850 Sport

Triumph Tiger 850 Sport Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


BMW F850GS Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 900 Rally

Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Husqvarna Norden 901

Husqvarna 901 Norden Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda Africa Twin 1100 DCT


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki Jimny 4x4

Motos Tooltips Jimny4x4


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Jeep Wrangler Sport 4x4

Jeep Wrangler Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Volkswagen Amarok 4x4

Amarok Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Ford Ranger Diesel 4x4

Ranger Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Passenger Sharing Room

100x100 2 up on moto icon 1

If you will be riding with a passenger, (pillion) who will share your double room (1 or 2 beds), add this price.


100x100 2 up on moto icon 1

If you will be riding with a passenger, (pillion) who will share your double room (1 or 2 beds), add this price.

* Bikes marked with an asterisk are not configured to take a passenger.

All prices are in United States Dollars (USD) - the official currency of the Republic of Ecuador

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Route Map

Profil d'altitude


Journée de voyage à Quito

Arrivée à Quito

Journée de voyage à Quito

Hébergement à Quito : Non inclus.  Nous vous fournirons une liste d'hôtels recommandés à Quito, à proximité de notre boutique située au cœur du quartier branché de La Carolina, afin que vous puissiez vous détendre et explorer les galeries, musées et cafés voisins.

Journée de voyage à Quito

1 ou 2 jours avant la date de début du tour.

Inscription préalable et tour de Quito

Arrivez un jour ou deux avant le départ pour profiter de Quito et nous vous fournirons des billets pour le bus Hop-on / Hop - Off afin de profiter d'une journée sans stress dans la capitale.  Pour ceux qui veulent un peu plus de fun, nous pouvons vous fournir une visite autoguidée de Quito sur l'un de nos scooters 150cc. Lors de votre passage, nous nous occuperons des formalités administratives afin de faciliter votre départ le premier jour.

1er jour

Quito - Mindo

Distance : 97 km | 60 miles
Repas inclus :  Dîner
Activités : EcoRuta del Quinde, cascade de Guapambra, Bellavista Cloudforest Bird Lodge, usine de chocolat organique.
Hébergement : Terazzas de Dana Boutique Hotel

1er jour

2ème jour

Mindo - Chugchilan

Distance : 214 km |133 miles
Repas inclus :
 Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités :
Baignade dans les cascades du diable
Hébergement :
 Black Sheep Inn

3ème jour

Chugchilan - Salinas de Guaranda

Distance : 149 km | 93 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Visite d'une école, moulin à grains
Hébergement : Hôtel Cachi Yacu

3ème jour

4ème jour

Salinas de Guaranda - Quevedo

Distance : 131 km | 82 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Fromager, moulin à laine, fabricant de ballons de football, salaison de jambon, mines de sel, producteurs d'huile de palme.
Hébergement : Hôtel Olimpico

5ème jour

Quevedo - San Clemente

Distance : 205 km | 127 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Baignade, Surf, Traversée d'un pont flottant
Hébergement : Casa de Terrazas 

5ème jour

6ème jour

Journée de repos à San Clemente

Distance : ? km | ? miles (vous pouvez utiliser la moto pour explorer par vous-même)
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités disponibles : Surf, parapente, kite surf, visite des mangroves, pêche en haute mer, vie nocturne.
Hébergement : Casa de Terrazas

7ème jour

San Clemente - Galera

Distance : 261 km | 162 miles (80% de journée pavée)
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Baignade, surf, équateur, élevage de crevettes
Hébergement : Cumilinche Club

7ème jour

8ème jour

Galera - Cielo Verde

Distance : 282 km | 175 miles (50% de journée pavée)
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités : Baignade, ferme des cœurs de palmiers, ferme de cacao et chocolatier.
Hébergement :  Cielo Verde Lodge

9ème jour

Cielo Verde - Otavalo

Distance : 195 km | 121 miles 
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités : Ferme de fruits exotiques, réserve de Mashpi, chute d'eau, sources chaudes, producteurs de café, marché d'Otavalo.
Hébergement :  Hacienda Cusin

9ème jour

10ème jour

Otavalo - Hacienda La Primavera

Distance : 155 Km / 96 miles 
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités : Atelier traditionnel de fabrication de cuir, sources chaudes de Chachimbiro.
Hébergement : Hacienda Primavera Wilderness Lodge

11ème jour

Hacienda La Primavera - Tulcan

Distance : 142 km / 88 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Producteurs de café, Parc national El Angel, sources thermales de Tufiño, excursion en Colombie, Sanctuaire de las Latas
Hébergement :   Palacio Imperial

11ème jour

12ème jour

Tulcan - Aloburo

Distance : 111 km / 69 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités : Parc national El Angel, Baignade, Équitation
HébergementHacienda Piman

13ème jour

Aloburo - Papallacta

Distance : 170km | 106 miles 
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner et dîner
Activités : Laguna Yaguarcocha, glacier de Paila, fromager, monument de l'équateur de Quitsato, source chaude d'Oyacachi, parc national de Coca-Cayambe.
Hébergement :  Termas Papallacta Hot Springs Spa & Resort

13ème jour

14ème jour

Papallacta - Quito

Distance : 150 km | 93 miles
Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner 
Activités : Profitez d'une matinée de détente au Termas De Papallacta Spa Resort, Lago Muerto Pungo.

Return Home

Return home

Many international flights leave around midnight from Quito.  If you are catching a flight the same evening as the last day of the tour, you may enjoy VIP access to our "Freedom Riders' Lounge" - complete with a hot shower, jacuzzi, gym, and honor bar before your flight home.

Return Home


Jour 1 - Mindo

Profil d'altitude - 1er jour


Dirt Bike Deluxe Motorcycle Adventure Tour in Ecuador Cloudforest Mindo

Premier jour
Quito - Inti'ñan - Nono - Mindo

Distance parcourue : 114 km / 71 miles

museo intinan ecuador offroad 4x4 motorcycle adventure tourVous commencerez cette aventure de 14 jours/13 nuits depuis notre bureau à Quito, en Équateur. En 1978, Quito est devenu le premier endroit de la planète à être désigné comme site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour avoir le centre historique le mieux préservé de toute l'Amérique latine. Quito se trouve sur le plateau de l'Altiplano (le deuxième plus haut du monde) dans les Andes, à 2 900 mètres.  Nous vous suggérons d'arriver un jour ou deux en avance pour découvrir notre magnifique capitale et vous acclimater à la haute altitude avant de commencer le circuit.mindo

Au cours de la première matinée de l'excursion, vous serez équipé de la moto de votre choix et vous recevrez une orientation complète répondant à toutes les questions concernant les coutumes locales, le code de la route, les signaux de conduite, la courtoisie des conducteurs équatoriens, etc. Le trajet du premier jour comprend un échantillon des différents types de routes que vous emprunterez.  Nous vous montrerons comment utiliser votre appareil GPS préprogrammé avec des itinéraires quotidiens et vous recevrez un "Carnet de route" avec des détails et des points d'intérêt pour chaque jour.  Nous vous fournirons une "trousse d'urgence" contenant un téléphone cellulaire prépayé, une pochette de premiers soins, des outils et d'autres articles pour assurer le bon déroulement de votre séjour.  Vous aurez l'occasion de vous familiariser en toute sécurité avec l'asphalte, le gravier sec, les pavés et les petites routes de ferme.

pululahua crater motorcycle advrenture tour ecuador 4x4Inti-ñan signifie "chemin du soleil" en langue quechua, et le musée Inti-ñan est situé directement sur l'équateur. Les peuples indigènes vénèrent ce site depuis des milliers d'années. Vous apprendrez comment les peuples anciens ont compris qu'il s'agissait du centre du monde des siècles avant l'avènement de la géographie moderne ou des appareils GPS. Sur la "ligne rouge" marquant l'équateur, vous ferez l'expérience de la gravité, notamment en observant comment l'eau s'écoule dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre ou dans le sens inverse, selon le côté de l'équateur où vous vous trouvez. Vous aurez également l'occasion de voir comment vivent les populations indigènes de l'Équateur en visitant des maquettes de leurs maisons. Ces maquettes vous permettront de mieux comprendre les cultures et les modes de vie que vous rencontrerez en réalité lors de votre passage dans les différentes régions.

waterfall on hummingbird road mindo quito suzuki dr650 motorcycle adenture tourEn quittant le musée Inti-ñan, vous êtes maintenant officiellement en dehors de la région métropolitaine de Quito et vous avez commencé à rouler dans l'hémisphère nord. Votre deuxième arrêt est pour admirer la magnifique réserve géobotanique du cratère Pululahua, un cratère formé par une éruption volcanique il y a 2 500 ans. De là, vous vous dirigerez vers les pentes occidentales des Andes, pleines de forêts denses et vertes et de montagnes escarpées.bird on offroad pacific discovery route ecuador motorcycle dirt bike advrenture tour

Vous tournerez sur un chemin de terre qui vous mènera jusqu'à la petite ville de Nono. C'est ici que vous commencerez votre trajet dans la réserve biologique de Nono. Ce refuge est connu pour être l'un des endroits les plus riches en biodiversité du monde.   Il abrite le petit ours à lunettes des Andes et des milliers d'espèces d'oiseaux et de grenouilles colorées. 

Arrêtez-vous au Bellavista Bird Lodge, mondialement connu, coupez ton moteur et restez assis en silence pendant quelques minutes afin de voir des centaines d'oiseaux colorés vous entourer et vous offrir un spectacle. 

De là, vous descendrez dans le microclimat de la ville de Mindo - une ville funky de la forêt de nuages avec de nombreux fournisseurs d'activités d'aventure disponibles. Vous pourrez vous arrêter pour visiter un chocolatier organique et voir comment le cacao brut est cultivé et transformé en chocolat gourmet de première qualité.   Ensuite, vous vous enfoncerez encore plus profondément dans la forêt de nuages et vous vous installerez dans une cabine de luxe privée au Terrazas de Dana Boutique Lodge.


Jour 2 - Chugchilan
Jour 3 - Salinas de Guaranda
Day 4 - Quevedo
Day 5 - San Clemente
Day 6 - Rest Day in San Clemente
Day 7 - Galera
Day 8 - Cielo Verde
Day 9 - Otavalo
Day 10 - Hacienda la Primavera
Day 11 - Tulcân
Day 12 - Aloburo
Day 13 - Papallacta
Day 14 - Quito

Photo Gallery

About Our Offroad Tours

What to Expect

This 14-day self-guided adventure will start in our offices located in the Carolina neighborhood of Quito.  Prior to your departure, we will provide you with a detailed and thoughtful presentation on Ecuadorian rules of the road, customs, and courtesies. We will instruct you on how to operate your pre-programmed GPS navigation unit. We will hand you a packet that includes your prepaid hotel vouchers and daily map sheets. The roadbook will provide you with points of interest, descriptions of local highlights, and "hidden gems" that aren't common knowledge.  You can use this information to tailor your days - including as much or as little as you like. The route will be reviewed with you in detail to provide you with additional useful information about the timing, suggestions for lunch stops, and where to get gas along the way.  

On the morning of your departure, you will be outfitted with the off-road-capable motorcycle (or 4x4) of your choice. The vehicle is fitted with a waterproof luggage system, a first aid kit, a tankbag (if you want one), spare innertubes (or tire repair kit), and a set of tools. Besides, you will have a prepaid cell phone to call us for support at any time during your trip.  We will carefully review the bike with you using our multi-point checklist to be sure that everything is in perfect working order before your departure. We will be sure that you know what to do in case of an emergency or breakdown.

You may use our lockers and storage area to store your luggage and belongings that you will not take with you on the ride.

The route you will follow over the next fourteen days is based on several years' of experience and riding these routes many times on our guided tours.  The route is not highly technical. It is a dual-sport tour, meaning there is a mix of paved backroads and dirt natural, unimproved dirt roads without gravel.  The tour is mostly on unpaved roads and avoids the pavement as much as possible, taking you to places seldom visited by outsiders. There are several stops available, which are marked on the GPS unit and the daily route sheets.  You should be aware that you will be traveling in areas where access to medical care may be several hours away.

You will have many opportunities for amazing photos and stops in remote villages where visitors are very rare. Locals are friendly, and the areas visited are very safe, with very low crime rates. 

During your ride, Ecuador Freedom staff will monitor your daily progress using an onboard GPS satellite tracking system. We can assist you by telephone if you need to change your route, need roadside assistance, or help in any way.

Upon returning, you will have access to our honor bar, jacuzzi, hot shower, and staff that can assist you with your next destination.

Weather and Temperatures

Weather and temperature ranges in Ecuador are generally the same year-round. You can expect the chance of passing showers in the highlands but rarely a full day of rain.  Chances for a full day of rain are more likely on the western slopes of the Andes in March, April, and early May.  This ride will be in elevations from sea level (where temperatures can be around 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit) to about 13,500 feet (where temperatures can be in the 30's Fahrenheit). Dressing in layers is recommended.  Please see this article for more information about the weather in Ecuador. 

Throughout the tour, you will stay in carefully selected, high-end accommodations with many amenities and in upgraded, superior rooms or suites. See this page for details, photos, and links to the hotel accommodations provided. Breakfast is included for each overnight stay and dinners are included when staying in an area without other dining options. Ecuador Freedom has the right to substitute accommodations of equal quality due to availability and will notify you of these changes.

Packing List and Preparation
Ecuador Freedom will provide you with detailed information to prepare for the ride, including a packing list.  You should know how to make general motorcycle repairs and maintenance and to be able to change an innertube (click for a video tutorial).  Before you travel, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with these recommended guidebooks and maps.

Accommodations on this Tour

Accommodations on this tour

Our accommodations are selected for their exceptional quality, location, and unique character. Below are the accommodations featured on this tour.

Video - How We Select Accommodations


Motorcycle / 4x4Single Occupancy

This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Hero Xpulse200*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda XRE 300*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki DR650*

Suzuki DR650 tooltip

LOW SEAT: 33.2 inches

REGULAR: 34.8 inches


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki DR650 LOW*

Suzuki DR650 tooltip

LOW SEAT: 33.2 inches

REGULAR: 34.8 inches


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda XR650L*


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


SWM RS650R tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Aprilia Tuareg 660

Aprilia Tuareg 660 Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Yamaha Tenere 700


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Husqvarna 701 Enduro*

husqvarna 701 tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


bmw f750gs tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


BMW F800GS tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 800 XC

Triumph TIger 800xcx tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 850 Sport

Triumph Tiger 850 Sport Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.


BMW F850GS Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Triumph Tiger 900 Rally

Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Husqvarna Norden 901

Husqvarna 901 Norden Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Honda Africa Twin 1100 DCT


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Suzuki Jimny 4x4

Motos Tooltips Jimny4x4


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Jeep Wrangler Sport 4x4

Jeep Wrangler Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Volkswagen Amarok 4x4

Amarok Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Ford Ranger Diesel 4x4

Ranger Tooltip


This is the standard pricing if you are traveling alone (or traveling with friends but each with a single room). Single occupancy is standard on all of our self-guided and guided motorcycle tours.

Passenger Sharing Room

100x100 2 up on moto icon 1

If you will be riding with a passenger, (pillion) who will share your double room (1 or 2 beds), add this price.


100x100 2 up on moto icon 1

If you will be riding with a passenger, (pillion) who will share your double room (1 or 2 beds), add this price.

* Bikes marked with an asterisk are not configured to take a passenger.

All prices are in United States Dollars (USD) - the official currency of the Republic of Ecuador

Before booking a self-guided tour with us, please carefully read our Self-Guided Motorcycle Tour Terms and Conditions

Our reservation system is automated and accessible through the "Book Now" or "Reserve Online" buttons. The system will take you through a few easy steps to book your tour and any desired extensions.  The system is secure and uses a third-party, Ecuadorian payment system called Kushki, which meets all international regulations and security standards. Payment may be made using any major credit card.  Please note that we must collect a government-issued ID number from you when booking due to Ecuadorian banking regulations.  You may use your passport, driver's license, or any other government identification number.

Alternatively, you may request payment through PayPal in the system (click the PayPal logo on checkout). If you prefer to send a wire transfer, please let us know (using the "Ask a Question" button or "Contact" menu item, and we will provide our banking details.

Deposits are refundable minus 10% of the total rental or tour price only if canceled at least 90 days prior to departure or pick-up date. Cancellations are very costly to us as they impede our planning and ability to sell rentals and tours to other customers. Therefore, cancellations for any reason made less than 90 days before the pickup or departure date are not refundable nor may they be applied to a future rental or tour.

To protect yourself from this loss of your deposit, it is up to you to secure travel insurance that covers cancellations due to health problems, civil unrest, acts of God, family tragedies, any issues, cancellations or delays with flight departures, etc. 

Medical and security emergencies happen; when they do, we rely on Global Rescue, the world’s leading membership organization providing integrated medical, security, travel risk, and crisis response services to travelers worldwide. Memberships start at $129

Global Rescue has created the industry’s most complete travel insurance that was built with the outdoorsman in mind. With minimal exclusions, the IMG Signature Travel Insurance is the perfect add-on to your Global Rescue membership.

To find out more information please visit our landing page at: https://partner.globalrescue.com/freedombikerental

The balance (second 50%) of your rental or tour is due when you pick up the bike in our office in Quito.   The second 50% can be paid in cash, (United States Dollars), with PayPal, or with a credit card.  We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.  A 100% refundable security deposit using a credit card for the rental motorcycle or 4x4 is also required and is separate from the payment for the tour.  Security deposits are $500 - $2500, depending on the vehicle selected.

What's Included
  • Unlimited Mileage Motorcycle Rental 
  • GPS Navigation System with programmed routes for each day
  • Back-office tracking and monitoring
  • Road Book with daily maps and guide to points of interest
  • Detailed pre-ride briefing
  • Preparation lists, information, and videos
  • Prepaid cell phone with 24-hour support
  • Backoffice Monitoring 
  • Saddlebags or hard luggage system
  • Tank bag
  • Hotel Accommodations listed on this page (single occupancy is standard)
  • 13 Breakfasts
  • 9 Dinners
  • Mashpi Chocolate Tour
  • Exotic Fruit Farm Tour
  • Souvenir T-Shirt
  • Souvenir decal
  • Luggage storage and locker usage while riding
  • Permit to enter Coca-Cayambe Reserve
  • VIP access to the Freedom Riders' Lounge™ with hot shower, jacuzzi, and honor bar.
  • 25% discount on high-quality riding gear from
What's Not Included
  • 100% Refundable security deposit to cover any damage to the rental motorcycle
  • Hotel accommodations before and after the tour in Quito
  • Gas or Diesel Fuel
  • Medical and emergency evacuation insurance
  • Trip cancellation insurance or any other travel insurance
  • Any activity not described in What's Included
  • Meals not listed
  • Gratuities

Available Extensions

Add additional rest days to your trip to relax and explore the area on your own.  Simple, flat fees include extra lodging, breakfast and vehicle rental fees.

Add Riding and Rest Day - El Jardin Misahualli Lodge

El Jardin Misahualli Lodge

Add an extra day of riding and stay in the Amazon Basin.

Simple, flat fee includes an extra day of lodging and vehicle rental.

Private Fishing Charter

1 Day Private Fishing Charter

Spend a full day deep sea fishing on a private fishing boat.

$1000 for a full day (10 hours) up to 6 people

Add Rest Day - Termas de Papallacta

Termas de Papallacta

Add an additional day, staying in a private cabin with hot springs at the Termas de Papallacta Lodge.

Simple, flat fee includes an extra day of lodging and vehicle rental.

Galapagos Cruise

Galapagos Cruise

We work with the the longest-running cruise operator in the Galapagos and offer our tour customers special reduced pricing on permium tours in the Galapagos of 4,5 and 8 day cruises.

Please let us know if you would like more info

© 2024 Ecuador Freedom Corporation, Quito, Ecuador. All Rights Reserved. Todos derechos reservados.